John Davidson

php - Add to Cart Button Not Working and Refreshes with Cache: Wordpress / Woocommerce


I have seen around 15 articles on the internet with this exact issue. When adding a product to the cart in WooCommerce, the page will only refresh. Of course there are many conflicts that could be causing this issue; but some you might not want to disable. I have wrote my own solution for this problem and need to share it publicly for anyone else having this issue.

My Answer:
Here is a possible solution to fix the "Add to Cart" button not working and refreshing with cache in WordPress/WooCommerce:

1. Clear your browser cache and cookies to ensure that the issue is not related to cached data.

2. Check for any conflicting plugins or themes that may be causing the issue. Disable them one by one to see if the problem is resolved.

3. Update WordPress, WooCommerce, and any plugins to the latest versions to ensure compatibility.

4. Check your server settings and make sure that they meet the minimum requirements for running WordPress/WooCommerce.

5. Add the following code to your theme's functions.php file to prevent caching of the cart page:

add_action( 'init', 'disable_cart_page_caching' );
function disable_cart_page_caching() {
if ( is_cart() ) {

6. If the issue persists, you may need to reach out to WooCommerce support or a developer for further assistance.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of the "Add to Cart" button not working and refreshing with cache in WordPress/WooCommerce.

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