John Davidson

php - api platform filter with multiple values for the same property


I'm trying to filter datas using comma separator,

@ApiFilter(SearchFilter::class, properties={"var": "exact"})

Test of /api/test?var[]=2&var[]=3 is OK

but when i tried to filter using comma as separator


it returns all datas

how to fix this ?

My Answer:
"property": "exact"})_

For example, if I have a property called "tags" and I want to filter datas that have either "tag1" or "tag2", I can do the following:

* @ApiFilter(SearchFilter::class, properties={
* "tags": "exact"
* })
class MyEntity
* @ORM\Column(type="string")
private $tags;

// Other properties and methods

Then, in the API request, I can filter datas like this:

GET /my_entities?tags=tag1,tag2

This will return datas that have either "tag1" or "tag2" in the "tags" property.

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