John Davidson

php - Blade recursive view showing parent > child page as well as child page


Hard to describe this in the title so this image might clarify:

I have a recursive view which outputs the above:

@foreach($pages as $page)
<option value="{{$page->id}}"
@if($selected == $page->id) selected @endif
>@for($i=0; $i<$levels; $i++)&#8618;@endfor {{$page->title}} (#{{$page->id}})

@include('', ['pages' => $page->children, 'levels' => $levels + 1])

Let's say that a page has the following columns:

  • id

  • parent_id

  • title

  • content

  • template_id

The problem is that the collection of pages passed to this view e.g:

$pages = Page::where('template_id', 10)->get()

Contains a page with a child page of 'test subcat' which is being output as a child page correctly, but it also contains the subpage itself being output as a new item below (see both #54 pages loading in the screenshot).

Doing something like this:

$pages = Page::where('template_id', 10)->where('parent_id', 0)->get()

Does help, however I still want to show pages here that are not necessarily top level pages so may not have a parent_id of 0.

What I think I need to do is query the parent() relationship to see if the parent_id has the same template_id and if it does then do not return this item. Here's what I have so far which doesn't work:

  public function scopeWithoutChildren($query)
return $query->with(
'parent' => function ($q) {
$q->where('template_id', '!=', 10);

My Answer:
To create a recursive view in Blade that shows the parent of each item, you can use a recursive function in your Blade template. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

First, create a Blade template file called `recursive.blade.php`:


    @foreach($items as $item)
  • {{ $item->name }}

  • @if(count($item->children))
    @include('recursive', ['items' => $item->children])

Next, in your controller, pass the data to the view:

public function showRecursiveView()
$items = Item::whereNull('parent_id')->get();

return view('recursive', compact('items'));

In this example, we assume that you have an `Item` model with a `name` attribute and a `children` relationship that returns the child items of the current item.

When you visit the route that corresponds to the `showRecursiveView` method, the recursive view will be rendered, showing each item and its children in a nested list structure.

This approach allows you to display the parent of each item in a recursive manner using Blade templates in Laravel.

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