John Davidson

PHP can't find path while HTML can


I'm still a bit new to PHP and stumbled across a weird error I can't fix.
I have different util PHP files for different purposes, such as getting user data or basic util functions.

But I can't figure out why PHP does sometimes not find the path when using the require function.

In particular this example:

print '<a href="/api/connection.php">Huh</a>';

require "/api/connection.php";

HTML shows a working link redirecting to the page, but PHP still can't find the connection file.

Here is my file tree:

So why is that and how can I fix it? Does PHP have another way of linking files or is it something else?

Thanks in Advance

My Answer:
be used for a variety of tasks, including creating dynamic websites, processing form data, interacting with databases, generating PDFs, and more. It is a versatile programming language that is commonly used for web development.

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