John Davidson

php - Can't understand why there is a syntax error - laravel syntax error


I haven't changed anything to the 1st route. I only added the form submission routes then the error occurred, yet it's pointing to the first route?

The error points to line 17 with the following, yet I can't understand why.

syntax error, unexpected token "::", expecting "," or ";"

17> Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');

// AiFx - This route allows the guests to view the page - //
Route::get('/guests', function () {
return view('guests');

// AiFx - This route allows the completed form to be submitted to DB - this one didnt populate the DB!!??- //
Route::post('/guests', function () {
'fname' => request.query->get('fname'),
'lname' => request.query->get('lname'),
'id_number' => request.query->get('id_number'),
'mobile' => request.query->get('mobile'),
'sqsymptoms' => request.query->get('sqsymptoms'),
'sqtravel' => request.query->get('sqtravel'),
'sqcontact' => request.query->get('sqcontact'),
public function getRouteKey() {
return $this->submit;

Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
return view('dashboard');

require __DIR__.'/auth.php';

My Answer:
you please provide more context or clarify your question?

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