John Davidson

php - Can i make my WordPress website available offline?


Can you guys please tell me one thing? I am making a WordPress website with elementor, and I have also converted it into an app using thunkable (just showing web view).
"I want to make i available offline"

My Answer:
Yes, you can make your WordPress website available offline by using a service worker. A service worker is a script that runs in the background of your website and can cache your website's assets so that they can be accessed offline.

To implement a service worker on your WordPress website, you can use a plugin like "WP Service Worker" or manually add the code to your theme's functions.php file.

As for your app created with Thunkable, since it is essentially just a web view of your website, the offline functionality will depend on whether the service worker is implemented on your website. If the service worker is set up correctly, your app should be able to access the cached assets and display your website offline.

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