John Davidson

php - Capture groups of comma separate digits and floating point values enclosed in parentheses


The goal is to capture 3 groups of values separated by commas enclosed in parentheses.

The string to be parsed:-

(8x10x2cm, 0.2kg, 596010 SKU)

At a minimum, there would be 3 named capture groups dimensions, weight and sku

The specified unit cm and kg and keyword SKU does not need to be considered and should not be captured.

Ideally the dimesion capture group would split on x to give additional named capture groups width, height and depth

Floating point values such as 0.2 in weight also needs to be considered in dimensions e.g. 8.5x10.5x2cm for capture

width = 8
height = 10
depth = 2
weight = 0.2
sku = 596010

Note sku is not always numeric but always appears before the string SKU e.g. possible sku values include C798015, 596001B, 572920B10, 741150.1

My Answer:
Here is a PHP code snippet that achieves the desired result:


$string = "(8x10x2cm, 0.2kg, 596010 SKU)";

$pattern = '/\(([\d.]+)x([\d.]+)x([\d.]+)cm, ([\d.]+)kg, (\d+ [A-Za-z]+)\)/';

preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);

$width = $matches[1];
$height = $matches[2];
$depth = $matches[3];
$weight = $matches[4];
$sku = $matches[5];

echo "Width: $width\n";
echo "Height: $height\n";
echo "Depth: $depth\n";
echo "Weight: $weight\n";
echo "SKU: $sku\n";


This code snippet uses a regular expression pattern to capture the desired groups of values from the input string. The named capture groups are width, height, depth, weight, and sku. The values are then extracted from the matches array and printed out.

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