John Davidson

php - CodeIgniter session holds value 1 instead of true


In my codeigniter application I have specified a session as below

$this->session->isLoggedIn = true;

echo "Session";

echo $this->session->isLoggedIn;

even though I assign true the output shows as 1 instead. What have I done wrong here?

would really appreciate some help

EDIT :- The problem was actually in the following

When I try to acess this session from another method the session value is set to null. My other function is defined as

public function isLoggedIn()

if ((isset($this->session->isLoggedIn)=="true"))
return "true";
return "Sorry,false";

the vardump that I am printing in this isLoggedIn function is Null even though the session variable was assigned as displayed in the initial code above

My Answer:
session->set_userdata('logged_in', true);

However, when I retrieve the value of 'logged_in' session using $this->session->userdata('logged_in'), it returns 1 instead of true.

This is because PHP's session handling mechanism stores boolean values as integers (0 for false and 1 for true). So when you set the session value to true, it gets stored as 1 in the session data.

To check if the session value is true, you can use the following code:

if ($this->session->userdata('logged_in') === true) {
// Session value is true
} else {
// Session value is not true

This way, you can properly check if the session value is true even though it is stored as 1 in the session data.

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