John Davidson

php - Composer Require Differences


I am just starting to learn about Composer, the PHP package manager. What are the differences between installing a dependency between these three commands?

composer require doctrine/dbal

composer require doctrine/dbal:2.*

composer require doctrine/dbal:2.0.0

My Answer:
1. `composer require doctrine/dbal` - This command will install the latest version of the doctrine/dbal package. It will not specify a specific version, so Composer will install the latest stable version available.

2. `composer require doctrine/dbal:2.*` - This command will install any version of the doctrine/dbal package that starts with "2". This means it will install the latest version in the 2.x.x series.

3. `composer require doctrine/dbal:2.0.0` - This command will install the specific version 2.0.0 of the doctrine/dbal package. Composer will only install this exact version and will not update to a newer version automatically.

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