John Davidson

php - Connecting Graphql to Symfony Templates


I am starting to work on Graphql integration into Symfony. I have a github repo up and running. I understand the concepts of what is happening within the resolvers, but I can't find any help or documentation about how I would go about connecting this to a front end application or create an end point to push ajax queries through. The map() function in MyresolverMap.php does not allow for any parameters to pushed to the function.

If anyone has any experience or examples to point me to that would be very helpful.

My Answer:
To connect GraphQL to Symfony templates and create an endpoint for AJAX queries, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a controller in Symfony that will handle the GraphQL queries. You can create a new controller or use an existing one.

2. In the controller, you can use the GraphQLBundle to execute the GraphQL queries. You can inject the GraphQL service into the controller and use it to execute queries.

3. Create a route in Symfony that will be used as the endpoint for the GraphQL queries. You can define the route in the routing.yml file or use annotations in the controller.

4. In the front-end application, you can use AJAX to send queries to the endpoint you created in Symfony. You can use libraries like Axios or fetch to make AJAX requests.

5. Handle the response from the GraphQL queries in the front-end application and update the UI accordingly.

Here is an example of how you can create a controller in Symfony to handle GraphQL queries:

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Resolver\ResolverMap;

class GraphQLController extends AbstractController
public function query(ResolverMap $resolverMap)
$query = $_POST['query']; // Get the GraphQL query from the request

$result = $resolverMap->map($query); // Execute the GraphQL query

return new JsonResponse($result);

In this example, the `query` method in the controller handles the GraphQL queries. It gets the query from the request, executes it using the `map` method of the `ResolverMap`, and returns the result as a JSON response.

You can then create a route for this controller in the routing.yml file:

path: /graphql
controller: App\Controller\GraphQLController::query
methods: [POST]

This route will be used as the endpoint for the GraphQL queries. You can send POST requests to this endpoint with the GraphQL query in the request body.

In the front-end application, you can use AJAX to send queries to this endpoint and handle the response to update the UI.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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