John Davidson

php - Convert type hinted php8 objects to json using json_encode


I have the following code.

class SomeObject implements JsonSerializable {
public string $placeholder;
public string $id;
public string $model;
public string $value;
public bool $disabled;
public bool $required;

public function jsonSerialize()
return get_object_vars($this);

class MainObject implements JsonSerializable
public string $mainName;
public SomeObject $someObject;

public function __construct() {
$this->mainName = (new ReflectionClass(MainObject::class))->getShortName();
$this->someObject = new SomeObject();

public function jsonSerialize()
return get_object_vars($this);

$main = new MainObject;
$jsonData = json_encode($main, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

>>> Result:
"mainName": "MainObject",
"someObject": []

I would like the MainObject to look like this

"mainName": "MainObject",
"someObject": {
"placeholder": "",
"id": "",
"model": "",
"value": "",
"disabled": "",
"required": ""

however it seems that json_encode() method will only encode if objects have values assigned to them. if I make $someObject an associative array it works as expected.

How can I do this? Thanks in advance.

My Answer:
> public function jsonSerialize()
> {
> return [
> 'mainName' => $this->mainName,
> 'someObject' => $this->someObject
> ];
> }
> }

Now, when you call `json_encode` on an instance of `MainObject`, it will properly serialize the `SomeObject` property as well.

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