John Davidson

php - Create inverted map of many-to-many data within a multidimensional array


I am trying to create a new associative array where categories contain multiple items. My input array has the opposite orientation where individual items refer to multiple categories.


$items = [
["itemName" => "Hat", "price" => 10.99, "categories" => ["apparel", "head"]],
["itemName" => "Scarf", "price" => 7.99, "categories" => ["apparel", "neck"]],
["itemName" => "Watch", "price" => 19.99, "categories" => ["jewelry", "electronics"]],
["itemName" => "Necklace", "price" => 99.99, "categories" => ["jewelry", "neck"]],
["itemName" => "Headphones", "price" => 29.99, "categories" => ["head", "electronics"]]

Desired result:

'apparel' => ['Hat', 'Scarf'],
'head' => ['Hat', 'Headphones'],
'neck' => ['Scarf', 'Necklace'],
'jewelry' => ['Watch', 'Necklace'],
'electronics' => ['Watch', 'Headphones']

My code:


$categories = [];
#map to find with the category as the key then the item as the value
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
# code...
$currentCategories = $value['categories'];
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($currentCategories); $i++) {
# code...
// if not in keys for the categoryMap then initialize with the key with a value of an empty array
// otherwise just add the the array of values using that keys

// visual of how it should be
// [
// 'buger':['bun','tomato','sauce']

// ]

array_push($categories, $currentCategories[$i]);
$categories = array_unique($categories);

My Answer:
'item1' => ['category1', 'category2'],
'item2' => ['category2', 'category3'],
'item3' => ['category1', 'category3'],

// Initialize an empty array to store the inverted map
$categories = [];

// Loop through each item in the input array
foreach ($items as $item => $itemCategories) {
// Loop through each category for the current item
foreach ($itemCategories as $category) {
// Check if the category already exists in the inverted map
if (!isset($categories[$category])) {
// If not, create a new key with an empty array as its value
$categories[$category] = [];
// Add the current item to the category's array
$categories[$category][] = $item;

// Output the inverted map

[category1] => Array
[0] => item1
[1] => item3

[category2] => Array
[0] => item1
[1] => item2

[category3] => Array
[0] => item2
[1] => item3

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