John Davidson

php - Decrypt Laravel encrypted values


I have a Laravel application that uses encrypt and decrypt with the default Laravel Encryptable trait.

Now I need to migrate the database to another one.

I've created an SQL script that handle data migration, but during the migration I need to make some checks on some fields. For example:

insert into test.table
(valueA, valueB, valueC)
SELECT tb.a, tb.b, tc.c
from db2.tableB tb
join test.tableC tc on = tc.tb_id;

UPDATE test.table
SET valueD = CASE
WHEN valueA = 'example' THEN 1

The problem is that some of these fields are encrypted.
For example valueA will be something like:


I tried to use AES_DECRYPT() using the APP_KEY I have in Laravel, but the scripts always returns null. For example:

SELECT AES_DECRYPT(from_base64(valueA),'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') from 

Always returns NULL.

Obviously the key is hidden for the purpose of this post.

I think that this is due to the fact that Laravel uses open_ssl when encrypting while AES_DECRYPT doesn't. Am I right?

Is there a way to decrypt the Database before running my migration script or to decrypt the value in the SELECT statement during the update?


I've set up MySql in order to use "AES-256-CBC".
Keep in mind that in Laravel the APP_KEY is something like: "base64:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

So this is what I'm doing now:

SET block_encryption_mode = 'aes-256-cbc';
SET @key_str = to_base64('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
SET @init_vector = (SELECT LEFT(CONVERT(encryptedVal USING binary), 16) from tableA where id =1);
SELECT encryptedVal, AES_DECRYPT(encryptedVal,@key_str,@init_vector) from tableA where id = 1;

BTW I'm still having null values.
Any help will be appreciated

My Answer:
Laravel's encryption key for decryption. Here's how you can decrypt the values in your migration script:

SET @key = 'your_laravel_app_key_here';

SELECT AES_DECRYPT(FROM_BASE64(valueA), UNHEX(SHA2(@key, 512))) FROM test.table;

Make sure to replace 'your_laravel_app_key_here' with your actual Laravel encryption key. This should allow you to decrypt the values in your migration script.

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