John Davidson

php - Default password for MYSQL database for Laravel


I am trying to containerize my Laravel application using Laravel Sail is it was up and running.

There is two running container one for application and another for mysql.

And i trying to access mysql container to view the data inside it. So i using this docker exec -it 480c mysql -uroot -p command to access it from my wsl2. But i prompt me to enter password.

But i didn't set mysql database password inside my .env file.

Here is my .env file:

Is't any default password for the mysql database? Or any other ways to access mysql database running in wsl?


My Answer:
By default, the password for the MySQL database in Laravel Sail is set to "password". You can try using this password when prompted to enter the password while accessing the MySQL container.

If you still encounter issues, you can try accessing the MySQL database without a password by running the following command:

docker exec -it 480c mysql -uroot

This should allow you to access the MySQL database without entering a password. If you want to set a password for the MySQL database, you can do so by updating the .env file with the password and then restarting the Laravel Sail containers.

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