John Davidson

php - Disable order confirmation email for Bank Wire module only (Prestashop 1.7.6)


When a customer orders with "Bank Wire" module, he receives 2 emails, "Order confirmation & Awaiting payment by bank transfer"

so i want to disable the "Order confirmation" email for bank wire only.

Please note that this email shall be sent with other payment methods.

the method in below link remove this email entirety from all payment modules. so if anyone know {IF} statement to be wrote here so that when its "bank wire" method the email shall not sent.

Thanks in advance

My Answer:
the Bank Wire payment method, you can disable the order confirmation email for that specific payment method in Prestashop 1.7.6 by following these steps:

1. Log in to your Prestashop admin panel.
2. Go to "Modules" and then "Modules & Services".
3. Search for the "Bank Wire" module and click on "Configure".
4. Look for the option to disable the order confirmation email for this payment method. This option may vary depending on the module, but it is usually found in the configuration settings.
5. Check the box or toggle the switch to disable the order confirmation email for the Bank Wire payment method.
6. Save your changes.

By following these steps, you can disable the order confirmation email for the Bank Wire payment method only, while still sending order confirmation emails for other payment methods in Prestashop 1.7.6.

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