John Davidson

php - Empty set is returned when set condition for password


Im quite new in mysql

I have inserted values into my table customer

INSERT INTO customer(f_name, l_name, mobilehp, username, password)
('Ahmad', 'Ali', '013-5404997', 'A_Ali', SHA('something'));

Then I inserted a condition,

select customer_id, f_name FROM customer WHERE password=SHA('something');

However the query returned empty set which is weird when it supposed to display customer_id and f_name. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

My Answer:
The issue you are facing is likely due to the fact that the SHA function in MySQL returns a binary string, which may not match the string representation of the hashed password you are comparing it to.

To resolve this issue, you can convert the hashed password to a hexadecimal string before comparing it in the query. You can do this using the HEX function in MySQL. Here is an example query that should work for you:

SELECT customer_id, f_name
FROM customer
WHERE password = HEX(SHA('something'));

By converting the hashed password to a hexadecimal string before comparing it, you should be able to retrieve the correct customer_id and f_name from the database.

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