John Davidson

php - Exact Online API - Fetch child entity attributes in same call as parent


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While fetching all CRMAccounts, I would also like to fetch some fields stored in AccountManager. I have tried to use the 'expand' query parameter for this purpose, but it seems this parameter only works for collections.

Is there any way to retrieve some fields from AccountManager, without doing another call with the GUID? Something like AccountManager.BirthName as 'select' argument would be ideal.

I have already asked this question on their community/support, but haven't received any feedback thus far.

Thanks in advance!

My Answer:
Unfortunately, it seems that the Exact Online API does not currently support fetching child entity attributes in the same call as the parent entity. The 'expand' query parameter only works for collections, as you have already discovered.

One possible workaround would be to fetch the AccountManager GUIDs along with the CRMAccounts in the initial call, and then make a separate call to retrieve the specific fields from the AccountManager entity using the GUIDs. While this may not be as efficient as retrieving everything in a single call, it should still allow you to retrieve the necessary information without making multiple calls for each CRMAccount.

If you have not received any feedback from the Exact Online community/support, you may want to consider reaching out to their support team directly for further assistance. They may be able to provide more insight or offer alternative solutions to achieve your desired outcome.

I hope this information helps, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable solution for your needs.

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