John Davidson

php - Express Checkout Paypal Payment Gateway For Woocommerce have issues with Polylang


If we set the language selection URL from the Polylang plugin URL modification at that time PayPal checkout button not working on the cart and checkout page on the website.

Please once check and let us know if you have any solution to this issue.

Thank you.!

My Answer:
To resolve the issue with the PayPal checkout button not working on the cart and checkout page when using the Polylang plugin for language selection URL modification, you can try the following solutions:

1. Update the Polylang plugin to the latest version: Make sure you are using the latest version of the Polylang plugin as it may contain bug fixes and improvements that could resolve the issue with the PayPal checkout button.

2. Check for conflicts with other plugins: Disable all other plugins except for Polylang and the PayPal Express Checkout plugin to see if there is a conflict causing the issue. If the PayPal checkout button works with only these two plugins enabled, then re-enable the other plugins one by one to identify the conflicting plugin.

3. Check for theme compatibility: Switch to a default WordPress theme (such as Twenty Twenty-One) to see if the issue is related to your current theme. If the PayPal checkout button works with the default theme, then the issue may be with your current theme's compatibility with Polylang and the PayPal Express Checkout plugin.

4. Contact plugin support: Reach out to the support team of the Polylang plugin and the PayPal Express Checkout plugin to report the issue. They may be able to provide a specific solution or workaround for the compatibility issue.

5. Custom code solution: If none of the above solutions work, you may need to implement a custom code solution to resolve the issue. This could involve modifying the code of either the Polylang plugin, the PayPal Express Checkout plugin, or your theme to ensure compatibility between the two.

By following these steps and potentially seeking assistance from the plugin developers or a developer familiar with PHP and WordPress, you should be able to resolve the issue with the PayPal Express Checkout button not working when using the Polylang plugin for language selection URL modification.

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