John Davidson

php - Find and Replace entire entries in the entire table using a MySQL query


Right now Im using the following script to find and replace text in a MySQL database using phpmyadmin and it works fine.

For a single table update

UPDATE 'table_name'
SET 'field_name' = replace(same_field_name, 'unwanted_text', 'wanted_text')

What I want now is to find entries that contains a specified string, and then replace the whole field.

So for example, If I have the following entries:


And I want to look for the entries that contains "ABC_" and replace the entire field to "FGH-432"

The result of the desired script will give the following output.

ABC_1234 > FGH-432
ABC_123456789 > FGH-432
XYZ_1234 (No change)

What modification should I make to the script?

My Answer:
"ABC" and replace the entire entry with "NEW_ENTRY", the query would be:

UPDATE table_name SET field_name = 'NEW_ENTRY' WHERE field_name LIKE '%ABC%';

This query will find all entries in the field_name column that contain "ABC" and replace the entire entry with "NEW_ENTRY".

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