John Davidson

php - Functional and not so juicy open-chat for my site?


I'm looking for a functional and simple chat for my site where users will be able to discuss. I'm not talking about a client chat, but an open one where everyone will be able to write, smile... Those chats that have channels... My site is Wordpress, but I don't particularly like the chat plugins that are provided. Also, most are paid and quite heavy. Is there a chat like the Iflychat plugin or Chatwee that is a separate system and built into the site? In bootstrap I found a lot of ready-made chat systems, but none is what I'm looking for. I will be happy if someone can help with what I need as a chat and provide method to install it correctly. Sorry for my lack of ability on that matter.

My Answer:
There are several options for adding a functional and simple open chat to your WordPress site without using a plugin. One option is to use a third-party chat service such as Chatwee or Iflychat and embed it into your site using their provided code. Another option is to use a self-hosted chat solution such as Rocket.Chat or Mattermost.

To install a self-hosted chat solution, you will need to have some technical knowledge and access to a server where you can install the chat software. You can follow the installation instructions provided by the chat software's documentation to set it up on your server.

Once the chat software is installed, you can then embed it into your WordPress site by adding the chat's embed code to a page or widget on your site. This will allow users to access the chat directly from your site without the need for a separate plugin.

Overall, using a self-hosted chat solution may require more technical expertise, but it can provide you with more control over the chat functionality and customization options. If you need further assistance with installing a chat system on your site, you may want to consider hiring a developer or reaching out to the chat software's support team for help.

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