John Davidson

php - Getting data from mutliple tables casuing duplicated data in view


i am trying to display data from two different tables


public function index()
$order = DB::table('order')->get();
$order_item = DB::table('order_item')->get();
return view('admin.orders', compact('order','order_item'));


           @foreach ($order as $orders)
@foreach ($order_item as $order_items)
<th style="padding: 20px">{{ $orders->id }}</th>
<th style="padding: 20px">{{ $order_items->order_id }}</th>

<th style="padding: 20px">&nbsp;<a><i style="color: #6565D8"
class="fa-solid fa-location-dot"></i></a>&nbsp;
&nbsp;<a><i style="color: #6565D8" class="fa-solid fa-eye"></i></a>&nbsp;
&nbsp;<a><i style="color: #6565D8" class="fa-solid fa-eye"></i></a>&nbsp;

the problem in "$orders->id" it duplicate data to fulfill the same rows from the other table i am getting the same data (no duplicate) from "$order_items->order_id"

how to stop solve this issue?

My Answer:
>join('customer', 'order.customer_id', '=', '')
->select('order.*', ' as customer_name')

return view('orders.index', compact('order'));
}_View:_@foreach($order as $o)

Order ID: {{ $o->id }}

Customer Name: {{ $o->customer_name }}


In this code, we are joining the 'order' table with the 'customer' table using the customer_id foreign key. This allows us to select data from both tables and display it in the view. However, if there are multiple orders for the same customer, the customer's name will be duplicated in the view.

To avoid this duplication, you can use the DISTINCT keyword in your query to only select unique customer names. Here's an updated version of the controller code:

$order = DB::table('order')
->join('customer', 'order.customer_id', '=', '')
->select('order.*', DB::raw('DISTINCT as customer_name'))

With this change, only unique customer names will be selected, and the duplication issue should be resolved in the view.

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