John Davidson

php - Getting the route from a Symfony request and passing it to an included twig file?


I wish to access the $route variable generated in my controller from an included file in my twig templates and after many attempts I am failing to do so.

I define the $route variable at the controller like this:

$route = $request->attributes->get('_route');

Then I send the variables to my twig template

return $this->render('destinations/index.html.twig', [
'route' => $route,
'locale' => $locale,
'langs' => $langs,
'menu' => $menu

From base.html.twig I call navbar.html.twig

{{ include('shared/navbar.html.twig') }}

When I try to print {{ route }} from inside navbar.html.twig I get a symfony error saying that route variable does not exist.

Also, if I try {{ app.request.attributes.get('_route') }} from base.html.twig I get the route, but if I do so from shared/navbar.html.twig I get "null". Why is that happening?

My Answer:

Then, in your Twig template, you can pass the $route variable to the included file like this:

{% include 'your_included_file.twig' with {'route': route} %}

Now, in your included file, you can access the $route variable like any other variable:

{{ route }}

This should allow you to access the $route variable in your included Twig file.

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