John Davidson

php - Global variable in laravel not working after upgrading 7 to 8


I upgraded the laravel from 7 to 8 and it works very well except for the global variables.
this is my sample:

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
$contact = App\Contact::all();
$topbar = App\Topbar::orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->get();



you can find this code in official docs:

My Answer:
>get();_ view()->share('contact', $contact);_ view()->share('topbar', $topbar);_});_In Laravel 8, global variables are no longer supported in the same way as in previous versions. Instead, you can use view composers or view creators to share data with all views.

Here's how you can update your code to work in Laravel 8:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
$contact = App\Contact::all();
$topbar = App\Topbar::orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->get();

$view->with('contact', $contact);
$view->with('topbar', $topbar);

By using the `with` method on the `$view` object, you can pass data to all views in Laravel 8. This should work the same way as global variables did in Laravel 7.

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