John Davidson

php - How can I disable specific functions of a Wordpress plugin


I have received a request from a client to work with a specific plugin (LearnPress – WordPress LMS Plugin) and to completely disable (not simply hide) certain features on the course creation page without affecting the rest of the functionality.

In this case, course price and payment. There will be no prices but the course permissions will be managed via roles and groups (enterprise learning).

There are tutorials on plugin installation, deletion, troubleshooting and more, but very little information of disabling specific options within a plugin,
and how this would be overwritten once the plugin has been updated.

Would it be feasible to simply delete the require_once which reference to directory for the cart and price?

My Answer:
To disable specific functions of a WordPress plugin, you can use the following methods:

1. Use a plugin: There are plugins available that allow you to disable specific functions of other plugins. One popular plugin for this purpose is Plugin Organizer.

2. Use code snippets: You can use code snippets in your theme's functions.php file or in a custom plugin to disable specific functions of the plugin. For example, you can use the remove_action or remove_filter functions to remove specific actions or filters added by the plugin.

3. Modify the plugin files: If you are comfortable with coding, you can directly modify the plugin files to disable specific functions. However, this is not recommended as it can break the plugin and your changes will be overwritten when the plugin is updated.

In the case of LearnPress – WordPress LMS Plugin, you can try to locate the code related to course price and payment in the plugin files and comment out or remove the relevant code. Make sure to create a backup of the plugin files before making any changes.

It's important to note that modifying plugin files directly is not recommended as it can lead to issues with plugin updates and compatibility. It's always best to use the recommended methods mentioned above to disable specific functions of a plugin.

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