John Davidson

php - how to run the jobs queue immediately after a job added to queue in laravel?


I currently registered php artisan schedule:run in cronjob in cpanel and the schedule method is:

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
$schedule->command('queue:work --stop-when-empty')
->cron('* * * * *')

But for my purpose it is necessary to run the jobs immediately,

How can I run php artisan queue:work immediately after a job added to queue(jobs table) and not after one minute?

My Answer:

To run the jobs queue immediately after a job is added to the queue in Laravel, you can use the `dispatch` method to add the job to the queue and then call the `dispatchNow` method to run the job immediately. Here's an example:

use App\Jobs\YourJob;

// Add the job to the queue

// Run the job immediately

This will add the job to the queue and then run it immediately without waiting for the scheduled cron job to run.

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