John Davidson

php - Install Moodle plugin into root directory or redirect it


I'm in the process of programming my own static pages in moodle. It works so far, but I have the whole thing running in the local environment in its own folder in the root directory "".

Now I would like to install it as a plugin on the stable instance via the dashboard/frontend, but if I understand it correctly then only works with the available plugin types => path from the docu

Is that only possible via FTP access? Or is a plugin type not listed yet or have I overlooked one?

Is there a better moodle approach than plugin type "local" ?

I have already discovered the "Static Pages" plugin, but I don't really understand how they solve the redirect from /local/staticpage/ to /static/

My Answer:
If you want to install your custom static pages as a plugin in Moodle, you will need to follow the standard plugin installation process. This typically involves uploading the plugin files to the appropriate directory on the server using FTP access.

If you are looking for a different approach, you could consider creating a custom theme for Moodle that includes your static pages. This way, you can control the layout and design of your pages within the Moodle interface without the need for a separate plugin.

As for the redirect from /local/staticpage/ to /static/, you may need to set up a redirect rule in your server configuration or use a plugin like the Redirect plugin in Moodle to handle this redirection.

Overall, the best approach will depend on your specific requirements and technical expertise. If you are unsure, it may be helpful to consult with a Moodle developer or administrator for guidance on the best way to integrate your custom static pages into Moodle.

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