John Davidson

php - Is it possible for the user to change a model instance through the ajax request in Livewire?


For security reasons, is it possible for the enduser to change the model in the livewire request?

For example, if I mount my component like this:

public $order;

public function mount(Order $order){
$this->order = $order;

Can I be sure that this order instance won't be changed if the user tries to manipulate the request?

My Answer:
order = $order;_}_And then in my livewire component, I have a method that updates the order:_public function updateOrder($data){_ $this->order->update($data);_}_In this case, the user can only update the order if they have the necessary permissions. Livewire provides built-in protection against CSRF attacks, so the user cannot change the model instance through the ajax request without proper authorization. Livewire also provides validation rules that can be used to validate the data before updating the model instance.

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