John Davidson

php - Is it possible to 'auto-declare' a parent class property for every child class?


Suppose I've got a library class and an autoloader that includes any class that starts with MyLibrary_ from the classes directory:

function ($classname) {

if(class_exists($classname)) return;

if(strpos($classname, 'MyLibrary_') !== 0) return;

//if such class exists, include it
$class_file = __DIR__.'/classes/'.$classname.'.php';
include $class_file;
class Someprefix_MyLibrary{}
$mylibrary = new Someprefix_MyLibrary;

Then, in the /classes/strings.php file there is a child class MyLibrary_strings:

class MyLibrary_strings extends Someprefix_MyLibrary{

public punction __construct(){
$this->strings = new self(); //not declared in parent class

//make first letter capital in a multi-byte string
public function mb_ucfirst($string, $encoding){
$firstChar = mb_substr($string, 0, 1, $encoding);
$then = mb_substr($string, 1, null, $encoding);
return mb_strtoupper($firstChar, $encoding) . $then;

I would like to do something like:

$new_string = $mylibrary->strings->mb_ucfirst('somestring');

Unless I declare public $strings in parent class, my IDE warns me that a property has been declared dynamically, and in other child classes, the strings property will be marked as not found. What I want is to automatically include a parent property for each file that has been placed into the classes directory OR for every child class of Someprefix_MyLibrary, without having to manually declare every property.

Is it possible to do it, and how?

My Answer:
determine if a variable is an array in PHP using the `is_array()` function. This function returns `true` if the variable is an array and `false` if it is not. Here is an example:

$variable = [1, 2, 3];

if (is_array($variable)) {
echo "The variable is an array";
} else {
echo "The variable is not an array";

This code will output "The variable is an array" since the variable `$variable` is an array.

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