John Davidson

php - Is it possible to extend an extention in Joomla?


Is it possible to extend Joomla Extensions?

For example in your Joomla extension you want to end you have an XML file which contains a bunch of data entries for what type of input can be added to a article/file/tag (Specifically RS-FILES files).
We would like this extend of this extension to add entries to this file.
We could of course just modify this XML file and life would be good, however if the extension gets modified then we lose all updates.
If we had an extension/plugin that would modify the XML file on update and some other source code files (via our code logic), then it would allow for updates (to a certain extent). Is there anyway of doing this?

Currently RS-Files allows for 10-15 entries for information on a file, but there isn't a way to add a "new" entry unless you modify the entries XML and several locations in the source code.

My Answer:
custom field or extend the number of entries in the XML file through the extension itself. However, you can create a custom plugin or module that interacts with the RS-Files extension to add additional functionality or modify the XML file as needed.

You can create a custom plugin that listens for specific events in Joomla, such as when a file is uploaded or edited, and then use PHP code to modify the XML file or add additional entries to it. This way, you can extend the functionality of the RS-Files extension without modifying its core files.

Alternatively, you can create a separate custom component that interacts with the RS-Files extension and allows users to add custom fields or entries to the XML file. This would require more development work, but it would give you more control over the customization and extension of the RS-Files extension.

Overall, while it may not be possible to directly extend an extension in Joomla, you can create custom plugins, modules, or components to add additional functionality and modify the extension's behavior as needed.

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