John Davidson

php - Is there a way of getting authenticated user ID and use it on navigation.blade?


I'm building a new Laravel app, using Breeze.
What i'm trying to do is get the authenticated user id to redirect it to the profile route, which is:

'prefix' => 'profile',
'as' => 'profile.',
'middleware' => ['auth']
], function () {
Route::get('/{id}', [ProfileController::class, 'show'])->name('profile');

But, on the layout of navigation, as shown below, i can't manage to get it on the :href.
I already tried some approaches, like:

:href="{{ route('profile', [Auth::user()->id]) }}"
:href="{{ route('profile',/([Auth::user()->id])) }}"

But none of them seems to work.

The navigation.blade.php dropdown part:

   <x-slot name="content">
<x-dropdown-link :href="route('admin.aprovar')">
{{ __('Aprovações') }}
{{ __('Perfil') }}
<!-- Authentication -->
<form method="POST" action="{{ route('logout') }}">

<x-dropdown-link :href="route('logout')"
{{ __('Log Out') }}

Any help or hint would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time!

My Answer:
> Yes, you can get the authenticated user ID in your Blade template by using the `auth()` helper function provided by Laravel. Here's how you can do it in your `navigation.blade.php` file:


This code snippet checks if the user is authenticated using the `auth()->check()` function and then generates a link to the profile route using the `auth()->id()` function to get the authenticated user's ID. Make sure to replace `'profile'` with the actual name of your profile route.

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