John Davidson

php - Is there some way to get the Message-Id from PHPMailer at the moment of sending the e-mail?


With PHPMailer, when you do ->send(), it appears to not send any kind of "information" back except true/false:

I'm trying to get the "Message-Id" immediately back from the server when I send the e-mail. I need this in order to enter into my database to track the outgoing e-mails.

Yes, I insert the records into my database when I fetch the actually sent e-mails from the IMAP server, but I need to know what the Message-Id is so that I can verify automatically that it has been sent and whatnot, and not have to always look in my "sent" folder of my e-mail client to make sure it was actually sent (and thus fetched as a "sent" e-mail).

If this doesn't make sense, then at least know that I need to "track" it, but PHPMailer doesn't appear to send back any kind of information unless there is an error.

How do I get the Message-Id immediately when sending an e-mail with PHPMailer?

My Answer:

You can retrieve the Message-Id of the sent email by accessing the property $mail->MessageID. This property will contain the Message-Id of the email that was sent.

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