John Davidson

php is variable an array or object


Trying to figure out how to do the equivalent of something I did in javascript but in php. But I'm not sure of the operators to do it. In javascript I wanted to see if a particular parameter being passed was either an object or array.. and if not then was it a string/int and what I did was something like

if (str instanceof Array || str instanceof Object) 

anyone know of the equivalent to this for php?

My Answer:
In PHP, you can use the `is_array()` and `is_object()` functions to check if a variable is an array or an object, respectively. Here is the equivalent code in PHP:

if (is_array($var) || is_object($var)) {
// code
} else {
// code

This code will check if the variable `$var` is either an array or an object. If it is, the first block of code will be executed, otherwise the second block of code will be executed.

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