John Davidson

php - Laravel 8 component button "onclick" directly activating on load not on click


I'm using a component with a public function UnlockAdvertisement(int $id)
In this component I have a button with the onclick function used.
But this function gets triggered everytime the component gets loaded, not when the button gets clicked.
It's like reversed?!

Thanks ahead for your help

The component is used via a yield

<div class="container">
<x-advertisement.advertisement-view-master :id="$id"/>

This is the component in the yielded blade:


<div class="container">
<x-management.unlock-advertisement :id="$id"/>

and this is the actual component

<div class="col">
<div class="row mt-2">
<div class="col">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success me-1"
onclick=" {{ $UnlockAdvertisement($AdvertisementId) }}">Freischalten</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger">Ablehnen</button>

The function that gets executed at site load not at button click

    public function UnlockAdvertisement(int $id)
$tempAdvertisement = Advertisement::where('id', $id)->first();
$tempAdvertisement->unlocked = true;

return redirect()->route('management-dashboard');

My Answer:
To create a button component in Laravel 8 using Blade components, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a new Blade component for the button:
php artisan make:component Button

This will create a new Blade component file in the `resources/views/components` directory called `button.blade.php`.

2. Open the `button.blade.php` file and add the following code to create a button component:

In this code, we are using the `$attributes` variable to merge any additional attributes passed to the component with the default class attribute. The `$slot` variable is used to render the content inside the button component.

3. To use the button component in your views, you can include it like this:

Click me

This will render a button with the text "Click me" and the default styling defined in the component.

You can customize the button component further by adding more classes or attributes to the button element in the `button.blade.php` file. You can also pass additional attributes to the component when including it in your views.

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