John Davidson

php - Laravel 8 Session not persisting


I have a laravel 8 app running on http://localhost:9003 under docker.
I'm having a bit of headache because sessions are not persisting between requests and I'm not sure why


Route::get('/session', function () {

Route::get('/session-put', function () {
Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session::put('something', 'here');

Although it displays correctly under /session-put, navigating back to /session displays only the token and creates a new file under /storage/framework/sessions

In my Kernel I've added

    protected $middleware = [


And in my .env file


Deploying my app to a server seems to work, as in the /session I can see what has been put into /session-put


My Answer:
It seems like the issue might be related to the session configuration in your Laravel application. Here are a few things you can check and try to resolve the problem:

1. Check your session driver configuration in the `config/session.php` file. Make sure that the `driver` option is set to a valid session driver like `file`, `cookie`, `database`, etc. For example, if you are using the `file` driver, make sure that the `files` directory is writable by the web server.

2. Check the `lifetime` option in the session configuration. Make sure that the session lifetime is set to a reasonable value (in minutes) so that the session data is not expired too quickly.

3. Make sure that the session cookie domain is set correctly in the `config/session.php` file. If you are running your application on `localhost`, you can set the `domain` option to `null` or comment it out.

4. Clear the cache and session files in the `storage/framework/sessions` directory. Sometimes, stale session files can cause issues with session persistence.

5. Check if there are any middleware or global middleware that might be interfering with the session handling. Make sure that the `StartSession` middleware is applied correctly in your routes or controllers.

6. Try using the `session()` helper function instead of directly accessing the `Session` facade in your routes. For example, you can use `session()->put('key', 'value')` instead of `Session::put('key', 'value')`.

7. If you are using a load balancer or proxy server, make sure that the `X-Forwarded-For` headers are configured correctly to pass the client IP address to Laravel.

By checking and trying these suggestions, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the issue with session persistence in your Laravel 8 application.

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