John Davidson

php - Laravel Corcel WooCommerce - Add product categories


I am using the laravel package "corcel/woocommerce" and I am trying to attach product categories to the created product.

        $product = Product::create([
'post_title' => 'Product name',
'post_content' => 'Post description',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'product'
'_sku' => '1234',
'_regular_price' => '10.00',
'_sale_price' => '5.00',
'_thumbnail_id' => 10
// other wp_postmeta product meta values...

Here is where I am trying to add a category:

'cat_name' => 'Test'

But I get the following error:


Add [cat_name] to fillable property to allow mass assignment on [Corcel\WooCommerce\Model\ProductCategory][.][1]

Does anyone have any ideas about how I can attach a WooCommerce category to the product please?

My Answer:
Corcel WooCommerce to interact with WooCommerce data in a Laravel application. To add product categories using this package, you can follow these steps:

1. First, make sure you have set up the Corcel WooCommerce package in your Laravel application and connected it to your WooCommerce store.

2. To add a new product category, you can use the `Term` model provided by the Corcel WooCommerce package. You can create a new instance of the `Term` model and set the necessary attributes like `name` and `slug`.

use Corcel\WooCommerce\Model\Term;

$category = new Term();
$category->name = 'Category Name';
$category->slug = 'category-slug';
$category->taxonomy = 'product_cat'; // This is the taxonomy for product categories in WooCommerce

3. You can also add a parent category to the new category by setting the `parent` attribute to the ID of the parent category.

$category->parent = 1; // ID of the parent category

4. After saving the new category, you can assign it to a product by adding its ID to the `product_cat` taxonomy of the product.

$product = Product::find(1); // Get the product by ID

5. You can also retrieve all product categories using the `Term` model and loop through them to display or manipulate them as needed.

$categories = Term::where('taxonomy', 'product_cat')->get();

foreach ($categories as $category) {
echo $category->name;

By following these steps, you can add product categories using the Corcel WooCommerce package in your Laravel application.

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