John Davidson

php - Laravel eager loading with two Fk to same table


I want use Eager loading in Laravel 8 with a relations of two foreign keys to the same table.

Teams table

id name
120 Germany
245 Italy

My Answer:
To use eager loading in Laravel with two foreign keys to the same table, you can define the relationships in your models and then use the `with()` method when querying the data.

Assuming you have a `Team` model with a `country_id` and `opponent_id` foreign keys referencing the `id` column in the `teams` table, you can define the relationships as follows:

class Team extends Model
public function country()
return $this->belongsTo(Team::class, 'country_id');

public function opponent()
return $this->belongsTo(Team::class, 'opponent_id');

Then, when querying the data, you can use eager loading with the `with()` method:

$teams = Team::with('country', 'opponent')->get();

This will load the `country` and `opponent` relationships for each team in a single query, improving performance compared to lazy loading.

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