John Davidson

php - Laravel extend the default web authentication guard


I'm using the default laravel authentication but now I need to add the possibility to login directly to my app using a link with a specific token passed as GET param.

The Auth::viaRequest function seems to be a good way to approach this problem

Auth::viaRequest('custom-auth', function ($request) {
if ($defaultGuardWorks) {
return $userFromDefaultGuard;

if (!empty($request->get('auth-token')) {
return userFromAuthToken($request->get('auth-token'));

return null;

The problem is, I don't know how to check the default laravel authentication guard before performing my own check

My Answer:
>input('token')) {_ $user = User::where('token', $request->input('token'))->first();_ return $user;_ }_});_This code snippet demonstrates how you can extend the default web authentication guard in Laravel to allow users to login using a specific token passed as a GET parameter in the URL.

1. The Auth::viaRequest function is used to define a custom authentication guard called 'custom-auth'.
2. Inside the function, it first checks if the default guard works for the user. If it does, it returns the user from the default guard.
3. If the token parameter is present in the request, it queries the database for a user with that token and returns the user if found.
4. You can customize the logic inside the function to suit your specific requirements for authentication using the token parameter.

By implementing this custom authentication guard, you can provide users with the option to login directly to your app using a token passed as a GET parameter in the URL.

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