John Davidson

php - Laravel format_number eloquent


I am creating a REST API using Laravel and this is a simply version of my Product Eloquent model:

- id
- name
- price (float)

These are examples of prices: 37.27 1926.45 293.

As per Laravel Accessor doc i created this function to add a new attribute to Product:

public function getMagicPriceAttribute($magic)
return round($magic * $this->price, 2);

To give users a better experience i need to format price as 37,27 1.926,45 293.

So i created:

public function getPriceAttribute($price)
return number_format($price);

The price is now formatted as needed but given number_format returns a string, getMagicPriceAttribute is not working correctly and throws errors.

Is there a better approach to handle this?

My Answer:
price, 2);_}_This function will add a new attribute called "magic_price" to the Product model, which will be the result of multiplying the "price" attribute by the "magic" parameter and rounding it to 2 decimal places.

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