John Davidson

php - Laravel - Get sum of a column without querying to database more than once


My table structure is like this:

id      user_id     gift
1 1 1000

but now I want to move the gift to another table since the gift can be given to the users more than once in different dates. I have used $user->gift in many places in my project and I don't want to change the code. So I want to create a method in User model called getGiftAttribute. Inside this method I'm going to have the sum of the gifts. But now the problem is that each time that $user->gift is called in my code it queries the database, but I want it to be called once. As previously if I used $user->gift, it would query only once. So how can I get the sum of gift which is in another table without querying more than once?

My Answer:
>gifts()->sum('gift_amount') to get the sum of gift amounts for a specific user. This will query the database each time it is called, which is not efficient.

To avoid querying the database multiple times, you can use the following approach:

1. Define a relationship between the User model and the Gift model. For example, in the User model, you can define a hasMany relationship like this:

public function gifts() {
return $this->hasMany(Gift::class);

2. In the Gift model, define an accessor to calculate the total gift amount for a specific user:

public function getTotalGiftAmountAttribute() {
return $this->where('user_id', $this->user_id)->sum('gift_amount');

3. Now, you can access the total gift amount for a specific user without querying the database multiple times:

$user = User::find($user_id);
$totalGiftAmount = $user->gifts->sum('total_gift_amount');

This way, you can get the sum of gift amounts for a specific user without querying the database more than once.

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