John Davidson

php - Laravel migrate fresh specific migration


I'm trying to migrate some database tables in my Laravel application. I'm using a third party library which seems to break and requires re-migrating when upgrading. If I run php artisan migrate:fresh locally it'll work just fine, but amongst all of my other migrations I don't want to overwrite and dump the data in my other tables in a production environment.

I want to migrate:fresh a specific migration...


When trying to run the refresh command on a table, the below happens...

My Answer:
To migrate:fresh a specific migration in Laravel, you can use the --path option to specify the path to the specific migration file you want to refresh. Here's how you can do it:

php artisan migrate:fresh --path=/database/migrations/your_specific_migration_file.php

Replace `/database/migrations/your_specific_migration_file.php` with the actual path to your specific migration file.

This command will only refresh the specified migration file and not affect any other tables in your database.

Make sure to backup your database before running this command in a production environment to avoid any data loss.

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