John Davidson

php - Laravel NotFoundHttpException on API


I have API URL like:

method is POST and it takes 2 parameter id and driverId

When I try to run this URL in postman I get:



Route::post('driverAcceptOrder/{id}/{driverId}', 'Api\DriversController@driverAcceptOrder');


public function driverAcceptOrder(Request $request, $id, $driverId)
$order = Order::findOrFail($id);
$defs = OrderDefaultProgress::where('name', 'Driver OTW ke pelanggan')->first();
$driver = Driver::where('id', $driverId)->with('user')->first();
$order->update(['driver_id' => $driverId]);
return response()->json([
'data' => $driver,
'message' => 'Pengemudi Dalam perjalanan menuju pelanggan.'
], 200);


  1. Route is not restricted by Auth middleware (its public)

  2. I've added exception to my VerifyCsrfToken file as protected $except = ['/api/*'];

Any idea?

My Answer:
If you are getting a NotFoundHttpException in Laravel when trying to access the API URL ``, it means that Laravel is not able to find a route that matches this URL.

To fix this issue, you need to define a route in your Laravel application that matches the API URL. You can do this by adding a route definition in your `routes/api.php` file or in your `routes/web.php` file if you are using web routes for your API.

Here is an example of how you can define a route that matches the API URL in your `routes/api.php` file:

Route::get('/driverAcceptOrder', function (Request $request) {
$id = $request->input('id');
// Your logic here

Make sure to replace `// Your logic here` with the actual logic you want to execute when this API endpoint is accessed.

After defining the route, you should be able to access the API URL `` without getting a NotFoundHttpException.

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