John Davidson

php - Laravel OneToMany query


I'm new to Laravel and the Eloquent model and I find it difficult to understand the simplest queries even after reading the documentation.

I have two models Measure and MeasureType, and I want to select all measures of a certain type. What in sql would be like:

select * from measures m
join measure_types mt on
join measure_type_trans t on

In Measure I have:

public function type()
return $this->belongsTo(MeasureType::class, 'measure_type_id');

And in MeasureType:

public function measures()
return $this->hasMany(Measure::class);

Name column is in the translatable table measure_type_trans
How do I do such simple query?

My Answer:
>hasMany('App\MeasureType');_ }_And in MeasureType I have:_public function measures()_ {_ return $this->belongsTo('App\Measure');_ }_To select all measures of a certain type in Laravel using Eloquent, you can use the following query:_$measures = Measure::whereHas('type', function ($query) {_ $query->whereHas('trans', function ($query) {_ $query->where('name', 'xyz');_ });_})->get();_This query uses the `whereHas` method to filter the measures based on the related type and its translation. It checks if the type has a translation with the name 'xyz' and retrieves the measures associated with that type.

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