John Davidson

php - Laravel query builder casts boolean to integer


I'm using Laravel Framework (8.26) and PHP 8.0.5

My database is Postgresql (12.3)

This is my schema (cities table):

Column Type Collation Nullable Default
id bigint not null
is_active boolean not null true

My Answer:
In Laravel, when using the query builder to retrieve data from a database, boolean values are automatically cast to integers. This is because PHP does not have a native boolean type, so Laravel casts boolean values to integers (0 for false and 1 for true) to maintain consistency.

If you want to retrieve the boolean values as actual boolean values in your Laravel application, you can use the `cast` method in your model to specify the data types of specific attributes. In your case, you can add the following code to your `City` model:

protected $casts = [
'is_active' => 'boolean',

This will ensure that the `is_active` attribute is treated as a boolean value when retrieved from the database.

Alternatively, you can manually cast the attribute to a boolean value in your query by using the `DB::raw` method:

$isActive = DB::table('cities')
->select('id', DB::raw('(is_active::int)::boolean as is_active'))

This query will cast the `is_active` attribute to a boolean value before retrieving it from the database.

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