John Davidson

php - laravel reponse json message not translated


I am using laravel 8 with sanctum api (vue 3 spa).

I have never used localization before....and for this app I need that.

I created a middleware SetLocale with this content

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if(session()->has('locale')) {

return $next($request);

and registered in both web and api (app/Http/Kernel.php) @middlewareGroups

From the login form there is a select that change locale and make a post request to server to change the locale

Session()->put('locale', $request->input('locale'));

return response()->json(['locale' => app()->currentLocale()]);

In the login form the server validation responds with the locale messages.... but the problem is the customized message (Customize laravel sanctum unauthorize response) it is not translated - it gives me in 'en' ... even if the locale is 'de'

$this->renderable(function (\Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException $e, $request) {
if ($request->is('api/*')) {
return response()->json([
'message' => trans('_custom.not_authenticated')
], 401);

The file is there for every language _custom.php (resources/lang/de, resources/lang/en, etc )

example for _custom.php "de":


return [
'not_authenticated' => 'Nicht berechtigt'

The message is still in en ... but if press login (without changing anything) .... the validation errors are in 'de'

Why ? What I missed ?

Could be that the message is returned before the middleware runs ?

*** UPDATE 1 ***

It seems to work partially using in request Accept Language header .... but there is another problem.

In vue I have this approach for the axios:

const api = axios.create({
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
common: {
'Accept-Language': document.documentElement.lang

export default api;

In the vue app when changing the language .... I also update the document.documentElement.lang value ... but when making a request it still the default value 'en'

Is there any way I can change dynamic the value for the 'Accept-Language' header instead of adding for each request the header ?

My Answer:
> setLocale($request->header('Accept-Language')); return $next($request); }_

Then, in your controller or wherever you are returning the JSON response, you can use the `trans()` function to translate the message. For example:

return response()->json([
'message' => trans('messages.success'),

Make sure you have the translation file set up in your `resources/lang` directory with the appropriate translations.

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