John Davidson

php - Laravel, Sending API routes back to server


So I've got a project which is React on the FE and Laravel BE. 99% of all routes are handled through React router, which is fine in the wep.php i've got the following where sends are requests to be handled by React


Route::get('/{path?}', [
'uses' => 'App\Http\Controllers\ReactController@show',
'as' => 'react',
'where' => ['path' => '.*'],

The problem comes as we're been asked to implement a wordpress integration which sits inside a sub folder /blogadmin

The problem I'm having is that when I try to hit an endpoint on the wordpress api (using wither graphql or the rest api) e.g. or the routing is passed to laravel and then back to React.

How can I make the word press endpoints accessible?

I've tried adding Route::get('/blogadmin/graphql'); to web.php as I thought that intercept the request, but no luck!

My Answer:
'HomeController@index', 'as' => 'react',])->where('path', '.*');This allows React to handle all routes except for API routes. However, I also have some API routes that I want to handle on the server side. How can I send these API routes back to the server to be handled by Laravel?

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