John Davidson

php - LARAVEL7 uploading image but not showing in page


I'm trying to upload an image for every product with a normal crud form

with this code i can see that i upload the images in storage>app>uploads

i can see in phpMyAdmin that the same name i see in VScode (example 185138_1616528993.png )
is showing there but i get broken image in browser. i dont know what to do anymore

This is the store function

        $newProduct = Product::make($request -> all());
$color = Color::findOrFail($request['color_id']);

$img = $request -> file('imgpro');

$ext = $img -> getClientOriginalExtension();
$name = rand(100000, 999999) . '_' . time();
$fileName = $name . '.' . $ext;

$img -> storeAs('uploads/', $fileName);
$newProduct -> imgpro = $fileName;

$newProduct -> color() -> associate($color);

$newProduct -> save();
return redirect() -> route('product-show', $newProduct -> id);// route('product-index');

return redirect() -> route('product-show', $newProduct -> id);// route('product-index');

this is the product-show.blade.php

    <img src="{{ asset('/public/uploads/' . $product -> imgpro) }}"  alt="imgpro">

<img src="{{ asset('/storage/app/uploads/' . $product->imgpro) }}" alt="imgpro2">

<img src="{{ asset( $product -> imgpro )}}" alt="imgpro3">

<img src="{{ $product -> imgpro }}" alt="boh">

i did the phpartisan storage

My Answer:
It looks like you are storing the image in the `uploads` directory inside the `storage/app` directory. However, when you are trying to display the image in your `product-show.blade.php` file, you are using incorrect paths.

Here are a few things you can try:

1. Update the image path in your `product-show.blade.php` file to point to the correct directory where the image is stored. Since you are storing the image in the `uploads` directory inside `storage/app`, you can use the following code:


2. Make sure that you have created a symbolic link from the `public/storage` directory to the `storage/app/public` directory. You can create the symbolic link by running the following command:

php artisan storage:link

3. After creating the symbolic link, you should be able to access the image using the `storage` disk. Make sure that the `APP_URL` in your `.env` file is set correctly.

By following these steps, you should be able to display the uploaded image in your page. Let me know if you encounter any issues.

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