John Davidson

php - Limit output to one block


I have a page listing all articles. Each article has video blocks, and I add this video to the button for a specific article

<div class="blog-list">
@foreach($articles as $article)
<div class="blog-article">

@foreach($article->articleBlocks as $article_block)
@if($article_block->type === \App\Models\ArticleBlock::TEXT_VIDEO)
<div class="video-button video-modal-button-blog" data-video="{{ $article_block->video_link }}">
<span>Watch video</span>

<h2 class="blog-article__title">{{ $article->title }}</h2>
<span>{{ date('d F Y', strtotime($article->published_at)) }}</span>
<span>{{ $article->getTotalViews() }} Views</span>

This cycle begins

@foreach($article->articleBlocks as $article_block)

I have 4 types of blocks, and before displaying a block with a video, I need to define it

@if($article_block->type === \App\Models\ArticleBlock::TEXT_VIDEO)

But the problem is that an article may have several such blocks with video, and then several such buttons are displayed in the code, depending on the number of blocks

I need to limit the output to only one block, preferably the very first

I tried to use $loop->first, but it displays the first video for the first article in the list, and the rest is empty

Are there any other options?

My Answer:
To limit the output to one block for each article, you can use a flag variable to keep track of whether a video block has already been added for that article. Here's an example code snippet in PHP:

$articles = [
['title' => 'Article 1', 'video' => 'video1.mp4'],
['title' => 'Article 2', 'video' => 'video2.mp4'],
['title' => 'Article 3', 'video' => 'video3.mp4'],
// Add more articles here

foreach ($articles as $article) {
$videoAdded = false; // Flag variable to track if video block has been added

echo '

' . $article['title'] . '


// Check if video block has already been added for this article
if (!$videoAdded) {
echo '
echo '';
echo '

$videoAdded = true; // Set flag to true after adding video block

// Add other content for the article here

In this code snippet, we iterate through each article in the `$articles` array and check if a video block has already been added for that article using the `$videoAdded` flag variable. If a video block has not been added yet, we add the video block and set the flag to true. This way, only one video block will be added for each article.

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