John Davidson

php - Method Declerations in Laravel's Facades


I want to know how methods are declared in Laravel's facades. For example, I want to create a user-defined function to index my login page. Firstly, I need to check whether the user is already authenticated. To do that, I will use Laravel's Auth facade.

public function indexLogin() {
if(Auth::check()) {
return redirect("/");

But, when I wanted to learn more about this method, the only thing I came across were declarations made in the PHPDoc section.

* @method static bool check()

For this case, I know what the method does but also want to know how it works. I believe the declarations that were made in PHPDoc sections are not enough to run methods.

I checked Laravel's official documentation but found nothing.

My Answer:
In Laravel, methods are declared within classes using the following syntax:

class ClassName {
public function methodName() {
// Method body

In this example, `ClassName` is the name of the class and `methodName` is the name of the method. The `public` keyword indicates that the method can be accessed from outside the class.

You can also declare methods with different access modifiers such as `protected` or `private`:

class ClassName {
protected function protectedMethod() {
// Method body

private function privateMethod() {
// Method body

Protected methods can only be accessed within the class itself or its subclasses, while private methods can only be accessed within the class itself.

You can also define methods with parameters:

class ClassName {
public function methodWithParameters($param1, $param2) {
// Method body

And you can also define methods that return a value:

class ClassName {
public function methodWithReturnValue() {
return 'Hello, World!';

These are the basic principles of method declarations in Laravel. You can create more complex methods with additional logic and functionality as needed for your application.

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