John Davidson

php - MongoDB find with key that starts with a string pattern


I'm trying to fetch a mongodb data using PHP.
My Data is in the following format:

$document = $collection->findOne(
array('_id' => 'set1'),
array('projection' => array('_id' => 1,'data'=>1))

"_id": "set1",
"data": {
"IND": {
"2015-01": 0.6753404,
"2015-02": 1.0502269,
"2015-03": 1.0902269
"AUS": {
"2015-01": 0.6753404,
"2015-02": 1.0502269,
"2015-03": 1.0902269
"IND_123": {
"2015-01": 0.6753404,
"2015-02": 1.0502269,
"2015-03": 1.0902269

I am trying to fetch the output such that the result only has "IND" and "IND_123".

Is there a way to write the projection such that the result only provides "IND*"
The following provides only "IND"

$document = $collection->findOne(
array('_id' => 'set1'),
array('projection' => array('_id' => 1,'data.IND'=>1))

My Answer:
>find(['key' => 'value']);

I want to fetch all the documents where the key starts with a specific string pattern, for example, "prefix_". How can I achieve this using PHP and MongoDB?

You can achieve this by using MongoDB's `$regex` operator in the query. Here's an example code snippet to fetch documents where the key starts with "prefix_":

$prefix = 'prefix_';
$regex = new MongoDB\BSON\Regex('^' . $prefix);

$documents = $collection->find(['key' => ['$regex' => $regex]]);
foreach ($documents as $document) {
// Process each document

In this code snippet, we first define the prefix string we want to search for. Then, we create a `MongoDB\BSON\Regex` object with the regex pattern `^prefix_`, where `^` denotes the start of the string. Finally, we use the `$regex` operator in the query to match the key with the regex pattern.

This code will fetch all the documents where the key starts with the specified prefix. You can adjust the prefix string as needed for your specific use case.

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