John Davidson

php - MorphMany relationship returning empty array in laravel 8


I'm trying to return the product data with image with Morph relationship

I can save the data, however when I'm retrieving it, the images field has empty value.

Product Model:

protected $fillable=['name', 'description'];

public function images(){

Image Model:

protected $fillable=['imagable_id', 'imagable_type', 'file_name'];

public function imagable(){
return $this->morphTo();

Product Controller: So this where I want to retrieve the product with image on it.

public function index(){
return Product::with('images')->get();

This controller return only the product data, but it has empty images array field.

My Answer:
To fix this issue, you need to make a few changes in your models and controller.

1. In your Product model, change the relationship method to use `morphMany` instead of `belongsToMany`:
public function images(){
return $this->morphMany(Image::class, 'imagable');

2. In your Image model, change the relationship method to use `morphTo` instead of `belongsTo`:
public function imagable(){
return $this->morphTo();

3. In your Product controller, eager load the images relationship using the correct method:
public function index(){
return Product::with('images')->get();

With these changes, when you retrieve the products, the images should now be included in the response.

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